Posts Tagged ‘social media platforms’
Less Spam from LinkedIn!
by Sarah Warlick, content director With a great sigh of relief, LinkedIn users welcome the news that the platform has promised to ease off on the constant flow of spam updates that fill their inboxes to overflowing. Oh happy day! To the company’s credit, it has realized that getting too many emails turns people off (which…
Read MoreHow to Find Your Firm’s Voice on Social Media
by Sarah Warlick, content director Understanding the technical requirements for publishing an update on your social media profiles is an important step to using the platforms. Unfortunately, it’s not the only hurdle users face in their quest to help their firms with this powerful new media. What should you share and how should you…
Read MoreRescue Your LinkedIn Recommendations Before They Disappear
by Sarah Warlick, content director You know those lovely words in praise of your firm that you proudly display on the firm’s LinkedIn Products & Services tab? Guess what? They’re going to disappear, along with the tab! In the latest round of social media changes, LinkedIn is retiring their Products & Services tab as of April 14. That means…
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