Google Grades on Spelling

  by Sarah Warlick, copy editor Spelling, meh. Spellcheck will fix it. My people will handle that. Google doesn’t judge…or does it? As it happens, it does, and the relative quality of your spelling and grammar will be reflected in your website’s page rank on the world’s most powerful search engine. Spelling correctly so that…

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Sarah Addresses Readers’ Grammar Gripes

  by Sarah Warlick, copy editor or grammar geek, whichever you prefer It seems that a lot of people have specific grammar gripes, as well as areas where they’re unsure how to navigate. Perhaps we were each looking out the window in English class on different days. In response to some great comments and questions…

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Close the Deal with a Great Bio

  Who are your favorite vendors and business partners? Are they the ones with the best professional pedigrees and impressive lists of degrees and designations? Or are they the ones with whom you enjoy working, who have your best interests at heart while at the same time having the skills needed to do the job?…

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BBR Marketing Takes On Stupid Corporate Lingo

There is a serious affliction that is spreading rampantly across the United States. For the longest time, no one really knew what to do to stem the spread of this disease, until now. I am talking about the disease known as stupidosis corporatus lingiosis, or in layman’s terms, stupid corporate lingo. You know exactly what I’m talking about, those pompous, multi-syllabic, often vague terms thrown about in Websites, marketing brochures and elevator speeches. They are (over)used to showcase the exceptional services and fantastic products a company or firm offers. The problem is that often these terms only serve to confuse the reader. How many times have you been on a website that used terminology that looked smart and sophisticated, but once you were done reading, you had no idea what the company does or sells?

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